Feel Overwhelmed by the Family Separation News? Here’s Four Solid Actions You Can Take.

If the news about the family separation upsets you, here’s an article from Amnesty’s Medium that might help.

1. Flood your member of Congress with emails.  The Medium article has some great info, but so does 5Calls and Lunchtime for Change.  Also, don’t forget about Resistbot.

2. Share the stories of separation.

3. Write a personal letter to your member of Congress.

Members of Congress want to know what you — their constituent — care about. Although taking action online helps, a handwritten letter helps even more. It shows that you are heavily invested in the issue and you expect your representative to get involved — right now.

Share your family’s own story of immigration or movement, or the personal reasons you’re so concerned as a parent, child or human being. Learn more through our letter-writing guide.

4. Make your school or city officially welcome people fleeing persecution.  (Hint:  the closest city in Norfolk County or even Massachusetts is New Paltz, NY).

Contact Heather either through this site or via email with any questions, comments, concerns, etc.

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